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How Andy Graham Became a Thought Leader with The HMO Podcast

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The Summary


Andy Graham has been dedicated to improving the standards of accommodation for young people in the UK through HMOs (also known as "house shares" or "coliving accommodation" for students and professionals) for over 15 years.

However, he realized that he couldn't achieve this alone and that HMO landlords require a combination of education, training, resources, and support. To address this need, Andy launched an online learning platform called The HMO Roadmap to help HMO landlords and property investors. 

Our mission was to help him communicate how The HMO Roadmap can help property investors with their HMO business and showcase his expertise with a podcast.




We took over the audio and video post-production, show notes writing, social media asset design and overall management of the show. We then successfully established a more streamlined production process to create broadcast-quality episodes, freeing up Andy's time to focus on scaling his businesses.



The HMO Podcast has been making waves since its publication. It has become a go-to source of information and insights for new and experienced HMO property investors. 

  • Over 200k downloads and counting 

  • Peaked at #9 in the Investing Category on the Apple Podcast Charts in Great Britain

  • Nominated for Best HMO Content or Media Provider at the HMO Awards 2022

  • 50% of the members surveyed on his paid membership site reported that they discovered the website through the podcast

  • Invited to be a speaker and panel judge at the 2022 HMO Awards in the UK

  • Interviewed by BBC News and The Times Newspaper in the UK

Services Rendered

  • Audio & Video Post-Production

  • Show Notes Writing

  • Social Media Assets

  • Show Management & Distribution


Before State

For over 15 years, Andy Graham has been dedicated to improving the standards of accommodation for young people in the UK through HMOs - also known as "house shares" or "co-living accommodation" for students and professionals. 

However, during his journey, he realized that he couldn't achieve his goals alone. He understood that HMO landlords require a combination of education, training, resources, and support to meet the high standards of HMO accommodations. 

To address this need, Andy launched an online learning platform called The HMO Roadmap, which helps HMO landlords and property investors by providing them with comprehensive training, resources, and support.

The Call

To showcase his expertise in the HMO property industry, Andy launched his own show called The HMO Podcast. He managed everything, from recording the episodes and editing the audio, to writing the show notes and publishing it all by himself. In addition, he was preparing to launch his online learning platform called The HMO Roadmap. 

However, managing everything on his own was becoming a challenge as it was taking a lot of his time away from working on his businesses. To address this issue, Andy realized he needed some help so he could focus more on the high-level tasks.

The Process

When we took over, we reviewed the current structure of each episode, the audio & video quality, show notes format and social media assets. This allowed us to gain valuable insights into the show's strengths and areas for improvement, enabling us to devise an effective plan for enhancing its overall appeal and engagement with the audience.


Episode Structure


We improved the structure of the episode to make it more engaging by adding an episode intro, an ad break to promote The HMO Roadmap and an outro music.


Before - Episode Structure.png
After - Episode Structure.png


Conversation Flow


We edited out unnecessary words, pauses, and filler words such as "uhms" and "you know" but making sure that it doesn't interfere with the natural flow of the conversation. Also, we cut out any obvious mistakes or awkward moments, such as when guests are interrupted or when there are loud coughs, sneezes, or distracting background noises.


Before (Raw Audio Clip)The HMO Podcast
00:00 / 01:33


After (Edited Audio Clip)The HMO Podcast
00:00 / 01:16

Equalization, Mixing & Mastering


We also made adjustments to some technical elements of the episode like EQ, reverb, pitch, background noise and track levels to get the best audio and video quality.


Branded Podcast Video Frame


In order to make the videos stand out, we created a branded frame and thumbnail cover image.


The HMO Podcast Video - Before.jpg


The HMO Podcast Video - After.png

Show Notes


We've incorporated a more organized structure for writing the show notes, along with the inclusion of clear call-to-actions. 


Show Notes - Before.png


Show Notes - After.png

Social Media Assets


To promote the show on social media, we enhanced the visual experience by incorporating audiograms, carousels, and videos/reels in addition to the existing episode artworks using the brand’s guidelines.

The HMO Podcast Promo 2.jpg
The HMO Podcast Promo.jpg

The Outcome

By taking over the audio and video post-production, show notes writing, social media asset design, and overall management of the show, we were able to establish a more streamlined production process. This enabled us to create broadcast-quality episodes and freed up Andy's time to focus on scaling his businesses. 


Now, Andy just needs to record the episode, and we take care of everything else - from editing to publishing and promotion.

The Impact

The HMO Podcast has been making waves since its publication, with over 200k downloads and counting in just two years. It has become a go-to source of information and insights for new and experienced HMO property investors. 


The HMO Podcast peaked at #9 in the Investing Category on the Apple Podcast Charts in Great Britain and has been nominated for Best HMO Content or Media Provider at the HMO Awards 2022.


The podcast has been gaining traction among listeners across the UK, and has been instrumental in establishing Andy as a thought leader in the HMO industry.

In fact, 50% of the surveyed members of reported that they discovered the website through the podcast, demonstrating the influence and impact it has had on the industry.

Andy's expertise and contributions to the HMO industry have not gone unnoticed. ​He has been invited to speak at the 2022 HMO Awards in the UK, where he was also a part of the panel of judges. He was also interviewed by BBC News and The Times Newspaper in the UK to provide valuable insights and perspectives to those who are interested in the industry.

Andy Graham at The HMO Awards.jpg

Most recently, it was recognized as the 'Best Content Provider' at The HMO Awards 23/24! It also received the highly commended award for ‘Best Mentor or Training Provider.’ 

Client Testimonial

Andy Graham
Property Investor in the UK, Founder of The HMO Roadmap and Host of The HMO Podcast

About The Show

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Welcome to The HMO Podcast, the dedicated resource for HMO and Co-Living property investors and developers!


Join me and my special guests to learn everything you need to know about HMO property investment, from the tips, tricks and hacks that can save you time and money, to the best practice advice, the technical 'know-how' and inspirational stories of success and failure that will help you start, scale and systemise your very own HMO portfolio or business today.

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Listener Reviews

"The HMO podcast is by far the best property podcast out there. Andy has a wealth of knowledge and experience and it’s brilliant to be able to hear all the tips and tricks from someone that’s been there and done it. He’s covered a whole host of topics so whenever I’m struggling with anything I know I can look back through and the chances are Andy’s done a podcast on it with all the answers. It’s also very professionally produced it makes it really easy listening."

- Ben Taylor via Apple Podcasts, Great Britain

Want to become the go-to expert in your industry like Andy? Let’s chat!

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