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How to Start a Podcast: An Easy 7-Step Guide

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

As podcasts are ever increasing in popularity, now is the perfect time to start a podcast. Podcasts provide a way to build an authentic and strong connection with your audience and allow you to engage with them through a unique format.

Podcasts are convenient for listeners as they can tune in whenever they want – when they’re working out, commuting, going for a walk, or doing chores. While there has been a rise in the number of podcasts available to download, there is still a lot of space in the podcast industry, especially when compared to the number of YouTube videos and blog posts.

So, have you been thinking of starting a podcast? This step-by-step guide will help you make your own podcast, whether it’s for your brand, business, or hobby.

1. Plan Your Podcast

Firstly, choose a topic and theme for the podcast. Whatever you pick, ensure you’re passionate about it as you’ll need to be excited about researching and discussing the topic in depth.

Then, develop the podcast concept and format. Will you be the only host, or will you have a co-host? Will you undertake interviews or have scripted shows? This is up to you. It depends on what you’re comfortable with and what topics you’ll be covering in the podcast.

At this point, take the time to undertake some market research. Search podcast directories to see if there are other podcasts in your chosen genre. If there are, check out some of the episodes and see what the podcaster does well and what they could do better.

You’ll also need to name your podcast. It’s important to use a title and description that will make it easy for people to find and come across your podcast, so be specific. Then, think about creating a publishing schedule, and it’s also helpful to set goals for your podcast from the outset.

2. Invest in the Right Tools

There are a number of podcast software and audio equipment that can be worth investing in when starting out as a podcaster. The bare minimum to get started is a phone or laptop with a microphone. Some USB microphone setups provide a much better sound without costing too much.

There are also different types of software that can help you create, edit, record, host and publish your podcast. The majority of these companies offer packages with monthly fees, so set a starting budget for your podcast.

You can always upgrade your podcasting setup later on. But keep in mind that if you don’t invest in this area, your episodes will likely have a lower quality sound.

3. Create the First Episode

Now you can start working on your first podcast episode. Make notes and create an outline on what you want to cover. This will help stop you from rambling and improve the flow of the episode.

Additionally, find an environment to record in that’s as quiet as possible. While professional audio engineers can remove some background noises for you, not every noise can be completely removed. The best way to fix noisy audio is to not have it to begin with.

It’s also recommended to find a room, preferably a carpeted room with plenty of soft furnitures that can absorb the sound. This will help you achieve a crisper sound.

Next, set up your audio equipment and software. Practice speaking into the microphone, and test different angles and distances away from it. It may take time to find your footing.

Once you’re ready to give it a try, grab a cup of coffee, tea or water in case your voice gets dry. Don’t worry about silences, stammers or mistakes as these can be edited out. Just get started recording!

4. Edit Your Podcast

Editing a podcast involves removing any audible distractions or slip-ups, in addition to segmenting the episode and inserting intros, outros and pre-recorded ads. This can make your podcast have a professional sound and consistent layout.

There are a range of podcasting editing software that allow you to edit your own episodes, including free tools like GarageBand and Audacity. However, these are often time-consuming to use, and the quality falls behind professional tools, such as the industry standard Pro Tools. If you don’t have any experience in audio engineering, it can be challenging to create well-edited episodes. Hiring a professional to do this can help you create a polished podcast.

If you want your podcast edited by experienced audio engineers, Kalidad Media can professionally clean, edit, arrange, mix and master the audio of your podcast episodes, so all you have to do is record your show.

5. Optimize Listings with Art and Show Notes

To make your podcast stand out, create a well-designed cover art for your podcast. This is often the first thing new listeners will see. And first impressions are everything after all!

Another important part of a podcast is the show notes. It’s a hub for your listeners. You can summarize your episode, share helpful information and point listeners to your social media channels or website. This can make it easy to not only share messages with your listeners but also a way to attract new listeners. Some people will browse podcast apps and look at episode show notes to decide whether or not to listen.

It can be beneficial to get professionally designed artwork and written show notes for your podcast episodes, so you can get the look and messaging you’re looking for. Kalidad Media can take care of the marketing assets related to your podcast, including developing cover art and writing show notes.

6. Get Listed in Podcast Directories

Apple Podcasts is the top podcast directory in the world. Spotify is the second largest, and Google Podcasts allow your podcast to show up in Google search. There are a number of other podcast directories, but these three can help you get in front of the majority of podcast listeners.

Once your podcast is ready for the world, upload your podcast files to a hosting service. You can then submit your show to the directories you wish to be on. And you can also publish it to your website as well.

7. Promote Your Podcast

Consider whether you want a grand release or a soft launch of your podcast. You could pick a specific day to launch your first episode. Before that date, try to get your podcast reviewed and promote the show as much as possible.

Some pre-launch marketing and advertising can go a long way. It could even help your podcast get a boost in the Apple Podcast ratings. Then, once your podcast is up and running, you’ll need to continue promoting the show and building your audience.

It’s exciting to make your own podcast, and these seven steps can help you navigate the entire process. While the basics are simple, there are certain areas that can be especially beneficial to hire professional help.

At Kalidad Media, we make podcasting easy! We offer audio editing and creative services and packages for podcasters, so you can sound like a pro and reach more listeners. Get in touch for more information.



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